119 Archer Street

119 Archer Street
119 Archer Street

Businesses that have been at 119 Archer Street from Colleen Coop

Freeman Clothing

Myatt Clothing 19? To 1976?

Clarks Clothing 1976 to ?

Video Shop (Kerry and Brad Graham)

Satterwaight Cabinet Maker 1980 to 1992

Shanel Prince Homebrew

Jane Ferris Grocery Store

Alan and Dawn Grocery Store 1999

Dave and Natalie O’Halloran Grocery Store

Dave and Natalie O’Halloran Gold Real Estate

Dave and Natalie O’Halloran Elders Real Estate

  • 2019 seen the commencement of the Woodford Historical Society’s research into the houses, commercial businesses and community buildings that have been in Durundur/Woodford since the Archer Brothers arrived in 1841.
  • Can you help?
  • Do you have knowledge of previous owners of your house?
  • Do you have photos of your house you’d like to share?
  • Do you have any old documentation relating to your house?
  • Can you remember who ran businesses that are no longer around?
  • Where you involved in a community group? Where did it meet?
  • WHO-WHAT-WHERE We are going to try and piece it all together!
  • email us at woodfordhistoricalsociety@hotmail.com
  • or phone 0429899115 if you are able to help out.