Durundur Street

Our People

Our Places

Our Records

See The Houses

We Have Lived In

Step into the architectural tapestry of Woodford’s history. In 2019, the Woodford Historical Society initiated a compelling research endeavor, delving into the homes, that have shaped Durundur/Woodford since the arrival of the Archer Brothers in 1841.

WE ARE Seeking

Your Stories

We’re on the lookout for local memories, photos, and memorabilia that tell the stories of our community. If you have cherished anecdotes or snapshots of times gone by, we invite you to share them with the Woodford Historical Society.

Come Visit Us

Learn The Stories

Explore the rich tapestry of Woodford’s history


10am to 2pm
Tuesday – Saturday
& Every 3rd Sunday


109 Archer Street, Woodford, Queensland, Australia, 


Woodford Country Markets
are held on the 3rd Sunday of
each month from 7am to noon.