1952 Top of the 4000. Claude’s first truck. It would always get away from him, on this day a tree stopped it for him. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

1954 Working at Imbil. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

Loading logs at Grant Timbers to take to Thurecht’s sawmill at Redcliffe. Two axles had to be put under the Jinker to distribute the weight so Claude could get over the scales legally. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

Early 1980’s Loading logs at Peachester State Forest logging area 313 with Ken Thornton. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

Parked in front of Claude’s home, a load with 9000 super feet. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

1955 Peachester State Forest logging area 313. Claude on his 1955 International dozer and Red Long in his 1948 Ford. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

Red Long’s 1948 Ford. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

1975 Claude’s son Ashley standing on the truck. Standing in front left to right Allan Kenway truck driver, Rusty Cannon timber cutter and Claude who done the snigging. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

2015 Mr Claude Bleakley. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

1942 In 1942 when Claude was in the Airforce he was an Emergency Driver. Claude was only 18 and you had to be 20 to be a full time driver. This is the truck Claude drove. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.

Claude’s daughter Bev Clyne sitting on a 1951 Ford truck. Photo courtesy of Claude Bleakley.