Mick Duggan

I left School in August 1962 and I retired in July 2009. So I spent 47 years in the work force. Of those years 40 years have been spent in the timber industry in one area or another. Six months were in the forestry Department at Jimna, a little over twelve months felling timber with Vere Bleakley and about two and a half years with Logform Industries at Kilcoy and 36 years in sawmills.

The mill I have worked in are

Hancock and Gore – Jimna

Brandon’s Timbers – Bellthorpe

Campbell GreenConondale

Stephens Sawmill – Woodford

Grant Timbers – Woodford

The Caboolture sawmill for three different owners, CSR, Weyerhaeuser Australia and Carter Holt Harvey.

The remaining years were two years in the army. two and a halg years in the prison service at Woodford Correctional Centre, two years in the building industry and about six months working for myself. So as you can see I owe most of my life’s income to timber.


Mick and Cheryl (nee Fredin) Duggan 2016