Sawmilling at Bellthorpe in the c1930’s for approximately 20 years.
From David Keir
The Osmond brothers Charlie and George had land situated at 379 Bellthorpe West Road Bellthorpe. The Osmonds cut flooded gum for fruit cases for Elimbah fruit growers for a short period in the 1930s.
From Les Osmond, son of Charlie Osmond
The mill also cut fruit cases that were sent to Stanthorpe. They were railed from the Woodford Railway.

Early days at the Sawmill. Later extensions were added to make it bigger. Charlie Osmond nursing Les Osmond. Photo courtesy of Les Osmond.

The Internation TD 35 that done all the snigging for the sawmill. It was sold to Mr Heathwood from Dayboro. Photo courtesy of Les Osmond.

The Fleet. Photo courtesy of Les Osmond.

Charlie Osmond with Bob and Irene Campbell and obscured is Les Osmond. Photo courtesy of Les Osmond.

Les Osmond 5 months old with his mother Ellen sitting in from of the cut casings at the Sawmill. Photo courtesy of Les Osmond.

Painting by Bob Davies. Click the photo to follow the link to Bob’s page of his art work relating to his memories.