
Country Markets

Our People

Our Places

Our Records

7am – 12pm

3rd Sunday
Each Month

Come Visit Us 7am-12pm Every 3rd Sunday
Immerse yourself in a vibrant community atmosphere where local artisans, farmers, and crafters showcase their talents.

Visit our Facebook page for all news and updates.

The Woodford Historical Society and Museum would like to thank all stallholders and patrons for participating in the Woodford Country Markets.
We certainly have grown to over 40 now at each market. The markets are the historical society’s main source of income for our museum so this support is very much appreciated.


Application Form


Report Form


Inclement Weather
and Cancellation Form


Risk Assessment
Check List


What You Need To Know

Drop off and set up

Drop off and set up time is from 5am and be ready to trade by 7am. Vehicles are to be unloaded then moved behind the hall before setting up. (as per map) For those unloading on Archer St please park on the left hand side of the road, not on the right.

Pack up time

Pack up time is 12pm to be completed by 1pm. For the duration of the markets all stallholders must park behind the Woodford Community Hall.

For those unloading on Archer St please park on the left hand side of the road, not on the right.

Stall Site Fees

*Site fees are $15.00 per site. 
*Single site fees that are paid 6 months in advance and will be given a discount of $10.00 bringing the site fee down to $13.33 per month. (6 month in advance total = $80.00) (For those with double sites = $160.00) *Paying 6 monthsin advance is non-refundable. Cancelled markets due to wet weather or the stallholder has made arrangements with the Woodford Historical Society organiser, Donna Grigor, that cancelled month can be redeemed at the end of the 6 month period.

Insurances & Food Licenses

Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency must be current and be presented to Woodford Historical Society one week prior to market day.  Food Licenses must be current and presented to Woodford Historical Society one week prior to market day


7am to 12pm
Every 3rd Sunday


Located in the park area on the corner of Archer Street & Elizabeth St Woodford.